Tangier, Casablanca, Marrakesh.. just the names of these cities stir a hint of spice in the nostrils. Morocco has been thoroughly mythologised and for good reason.Travellers extol the country's unique living history, its shimmering light and its extraordinary art.
Morocco is the ideal African starting point for the traveller. An easy hop from Europe, it is hectic but friendly and stimulating as well. Open-air markets throughout the country are piled high with rugs, woodwork, jewellery and leather - said to be the softest in the world.
- Morocco Security
Morocco is characterized by a high degree of security in all cities and calmly Division, which led tourists to visit him continuously.
- Hospitals in Morocco
Hospitals in Morocco Morocco presence of a large number of hospitals, clinics and medicines anywhere in the soil and is characterized by containing all doctors specializing in diseases and Medicines and advanced machines found in all cities, allowing you to visit Morocco Dear visitor, reassuring you mind...
- The Moroccan people
People Moroccan gentler peoples of the world in all respects and is calmly and intelligently and love of helping others or Moroccan Arabs or foreigners-there is no difference between thinking for the Maghreb ... Moroccan people From north to south of Morocco welcomes you Dear tourists .
- Traditions of Morocco
Morocco has a tradition very important tradition for thousands of years and events such as festivals and competitions, many of the mountainous interesting things which will see yourself in this beautiful country magic.
- Morocco Transport
With international airports at Tangier, Agadir and Marrakesh, Morocco is well linked to Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Taking your own vehicle to Morocco is straightforward. There's a variety of car ferries and jetfoils operating between Algericas and Ceuta in Spain
and Morocco's Tangier.
The land border between Morocco and Algeria was closed in 1994 and that looks unlikely to change any time soon. Although a UN cease-fire has kept the Western Sahara quiet since late 1991, crossing the border into Mauritania isn't straightforward (though it's getting easier). In spite of this, hundreds of adventurous souls in 4WDs and on motorbikes do it every year. It won't be too long before it's possible to do the
trip by some form of public transport. The route into Mauritania runs from Dakhla south along the coast for 367km (227mi) to Nou dhibou on the border and then south along the coast to the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott.
Events Overview
Morocco is one of those religious frontiers where orthodoxy and local custom have met and compromised. The veneration of saints is frowned on by the orthodox Sunni Muslims but Islam, like Christianity, is made up of many sects and such festivals continue. It's worth asking around for details of festival dates because they follow the Islamic calendar, which is lunar and alters a little every year.
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